To provide unprece­dent­ed pro­tec­tion against current and future online fraud risks, TAG devel­oped the TAGx payment system. Difficult and time-consuming inte­gra­tions and high rates limit the options for mer­chants. TAGx sim­pli­fies payment trans­ac­tions in e‑commerce by means of orches­trat­ed payment pro­cess­ing, making them more man­age­able and effi­cient. The intel­li­gent all-in-one solu­tion with fraud pre­ven­tion, flow-based payment system and agile risk man­age­ment thanks to arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence dis­rupts the entire payment ecosys­tem in favor of the mer­chant.


Launched 2021
100% Uptime


Martin Wohlwend
Erik Prestinary
Adriana Mayorga
Adrian Murillo
Andrés Segovia
Christopher Kraemer


Redis, Python, Postgres, Nginx, Kubernetes, Elastic, Docker, Angular

Why we created TAGx

Digital payment trans­ac­tions play a very impor­tant role in e‑commerce. Unfortunately, many of the exist­ing payment systems are far too com­pli­cat­ed. Difficult and time-consuming payment system inte­gra­tions and high rates limit the options for mer­chants. TAGx makes payment trans­ac­tions in e‑commerce simpler, clearer and more effi­cient. The intel­li­gent all-in-one solu­tion with fraud pre­ven­tionflow-based payment system and agile risk man­age­ment thanks to Artificial Intelligence opt­mimizes the entire payment ecosys­tem in favor of the mer­chant.

TAG Data Center & Networks

TAG offers busi­ness­es a variety of hosting and net­work­ing solu­tions, includ­ing ded­i­cat­ed hosting for a secure com­put­ing envi­ron­ment, cloud com­put­ing for on-demand resource access, and data center solu­tions that ensure busi­ness con­ti­nu­ity with redun­dan­cy and failover capa­bil­i­ties

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TAG Development

TAG pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive closed-loop solu­tion to its clients by owning the end-to-end trans­ac­tion life cycle and offer­ing high-quality systems, infra­struc­tures, man­age­ment, and staff through one turnkey solu­tions provider.

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