TAG pro­vides a range of hosting and net­work­ing solu­tions for busi­ness­es and orga­ni­za­tions of all sizes. Our ded­i­cat­ed hosting solu­tions provide busi­ness­es with a private and secure com­put­ing envi­ron­ment, while our cloud com­put­ing ser­vices enable busi­ness­es to access com­put­ing resources on demand. We also offer data center solu­tions that provide busi­ness­es with secure and reli­able com­put­ing envi­ron­ments, with redun­dan­cy and failover capa­bil­i­ties to ensure busi­ness con­ti­nu­ity.


Founded 1999
EU Data Center 2019


Adrian Murillo
Erik Prestinary


Veeam, VMware, Netgate, Cogent, Mosaic, Cloudflare, Telxius

Why TAG Data Center & Networks?

To ensure that our clients’ data is always acces­si­ble and secure, and their oper­a­tions are not dis­rupt­ed by tech­ni­cal issues or down­time. Overall, the ser­vices asso­ci­at­ed with TAG Data Center & Networks ensure that busi­ness­es have the nec­es­sary infra­struc­ture and support to operate effi­cient­ly and secure­ly.


TAG pro­vides leading-edge payment orches­tra­tion solu­tions to busi­ness­es and orga­ni­za­tions of all sizes. Our pro­pri­etary cashier system TAGx includes advanced fraud pre­ven­tion tools, intel­li­gent payment flow, and real-time risk man­age­ment.

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TAG Development

TAG pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive closed-loop solu­tion to its clients by owning the end-to-end trans­ac­tion life cycle and offer­ing high-quality systems, infra­struc­tures, man­age­ment, and staff through one turnkey solu­tions provider.

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